How to Store Your Knives
No matter what it is you’re dealing with – whether it’s knives, cutting boards, or fancy kitchen appliances – it’s essential that you look after them properly. That means washing them, maintaining them, and storing them in the appropriate way. Because, if you don’t, they’re not going to last. And, what’s the point of spending money on cool, high-quality things if they’re just going to break?
Now, washing and maintaining knives can be a complicated process – well, not really, as long as you know what you’re doing with each specific knife. But, one thing people often forget about, or just don’t even realize is important, is storage.
You may ask, why is knife storage so important? Surely you just put it away until the next time you use it, and it’ll be perfectly fine while it’s untouched?
Well, unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as that. Knives may seem pretty hardcore and robust, and some of them are, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t at risk of getting damaged. And, believe it or not, one of the most common ways that people damage and even ruin their knives is by storing them incorrectly.
So, with this in mind, we’re going to help make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes! Stick around while we tell you all about knife storage – why it’s important to do it properly, the best ways to store your knives, and what not to do when you’re storing knives in your kitchen.
Why is it Important to Store Your Knives Properly?
Believe it or not, storing knives isn’t just about finding somewhere to put them and keep them safe. It’s not just about getting them out the way and keeping your kitchen neat and tidy (although it’s always a good idea to do that anyway).
Rather, the most important reason behind storing your knives in the correct way is to protect them and prevent them from getting damaged. You may think that tossing them in a drawer will certainly keep them protected and safe, because what could they possibly get up to in there? Well, you’d be surprised.
Other than dropping and bumping your knives on hard surfaces, the last thing you want is for the blades of your nice, high-quality knives to be knocked around against each other. And, unfortunately, that’s bound to happen if you store them in a drawer or even let your knives dry off in an ordinary dish rack. It’s simply inevitable that they’re going to rub up against each other or get knocked around, which could lead to the blade losing its sharpness or, worst case scenario, even getting chipped or cracked.
And, a blade losing its sharpness, becoming dulled, is actually more than just an inconvenience. It means that you need to sharpen it more regularly, and the sharpening process means removing part of the blade until it’s super sharp. Of course, because you’re actually removing bits of the blade every time you sharpen it, you don’t want to do it too often, because that’ll decrease the knife’s overall lifespan. So, at the end of the day, you want to decrease the chances of your blades being dulled as much as possible.
There are more reasons for proper storage than just preventing damage though. One of the most important things is for danger – that is, trying to decrease the danger of having sharp knives in your kitchen. If you store unsafely, like by nonchalantly leaving them lying around or just tossing them in a random drawer, you stand the chance of accidentally pricking or cutting yourself which is not only dangerous and painful, but can also dull your blade – seriously!
Finally, the last important reason why you should store your knives properly is that you can stay organized and know exactly where everything is in your kitchen. If you have a good system, then you’ll always know where your knives, which is essential especially if you’re cooking in a fast-paced environment.
What Not to do When Storing Knives
First, let’s just do a quick run through of what you should never do with knives – especially if you’ve invested in some nice, high-quality knives.
- Dry them in a drying rack where they’re bumping up against other knives and utensils.
- Store them in a drawer on top of each other with no covers.
- Toss them into the dishwasher against each other or other things.
- Leave them in a sink with lots of other things.
- Pack them for travel (in a picnic basket or something) uncovered.
…these are just a few things you should never do if you want to preserve the quality of your knives!
But, now that you know why it’s so important to properly consider how to store your kitchen knives and you know what you should never do with them, what are the best ways to store knives?
The Best Ways to Store Your Knives
There are actually a few things you can do that are effective, safe, and will help you take good care of your knives. It all depends on how much space you have in your kitchen, your aesthetic preferences, and your style of cooking.
Here are the three best options for storing kitchen knives.
Knife Block
A knife block is a great option if you have counter space available and you like having your knives accessible and ready to go.
So, what exactly is it? A knife block is a wooden block that sits on your counter with several holes in it of different shapes and sizes. They extend all the way to the bottom of the block and they’re the perfect size for a variety of different types of knives – from your classic chef’s knife to a bread knife to a utility knife.
Here are some of the advantages of using a knife block to store your knives:
- Isolates Blades: Your knives are all kept in one place, but their blades are completely separate. So, it’s still super convenient and practical, but your knives will be protected.
- Convenient Storage: All your knives will be right at your fingertips – you can literally just grab the handle and go on your way.
- Fits Different Types of Knives: Because most traditional knife blocks have lots of different sized holes, you can use it store a variety of your favorite knives.
Knife Magnet
A knife magnet is one of the most popular knife storage options for experienced and high-end chefs, and there’s no wonder why. It’s basically a big magnet (that may look like a magnet or may have some wood involved too for aesthetic purposes) that’s fastened to a wall in your kitchen. All you have to do is place the blade on the magnet and it’ll hang there.
These are a few benefits of using a knife magnet:
- Efficient Use of Space: It doesn’t take up counter space, so you can use the countertop below for other things – like prepping food or storing other appliances.
- Ideal for All Knives: Because there aren’t slots of specific sizes (like a knife block), you can use it for any and all knives, even if you have a few of the same size.
- Sanitary: A knife magnet is probably the most sanitary option for knife storage, because it won’t be wrapped up or locked away somewhere where it may corrode or build up bacteria – it’s out in the fresh air.
- Convenient: You can easily grab whatever you want, and you can also se exactly what you’re going for.
- Blade Protection: Not only will your blades not be touching each other, but they won’t be in contact with anything, ensuring the utmost protection.
Knife Sheaths
Last but not least is knife sheaths, something knives often come with – especially in the old days. A knife sheath is normally made from plastic and is just like a cover that fits over the blade to prevent it from knocking against other knives and more.
It may be a basic method of protecting your knives while storing them, and it’s not necessarily the best, but if you have to store them in a drawer, then it’ll certainly help a lot. The reason we say it’s not the best method is because even while covered in a sheath, blades can still get bumped, knocked, damaged – it’s just less likely.
Advantages of using knife sheaths:
- Cost Effective: Buying a few knife sheaths is generally cheaper than purchasing a whole knife block or magnet.
- Out-of-Sight Storage: When your knives are covered in sheaths, you can still put them away in drawers, which may be necessary for storage if you don’t have a big kitchen.
- Prevent Damage: They may not keep blades completely away from other knives ad other objects, but it certainly stops the blades from becoming dull and decreases the chances of chipping or damaging the blades while they’re in a drawer.
So, there you have it – our three top recommendations for knife storage. All you have to do is evaluate your situation – your knives, the space in your kitchen, your budget, and so on – and then you can make a decision.