HEZHEN B38H High Carbon Steel Honing Rod Sharpener White G10 Handle
- Carbon steel rod for consistent sharpening.
- Diamond layer to easily sharpen hard edged knives.
- Safety guard for comfort and safe sharpening.
- G10 “Ivory” handle contoured for your hand.
A good set of knives deserves to be taken care of, and part of that care is re-sharpening the knife when it gets dull.
A Rod Knife Sharpener is one of the more accessible sharpening methods. This is because the Honing rod takes up less space than things like sharpening stones or pull-through sharpeners. This Diamond Rod Knife Sharpener can be used free-handed or when it is braced against something.
Honing Rods both sharpen and realign the edge of the knife when you use it. To make this easier than some other methods, an outer layer of diamond is placed on the outside of the rod. Since diamond is harder than most steels, this means the Rod Sharpener can deal with knives with very hard edges, which a lot of higher end kitchen knives have.
Make sure you know how to use your honing before trying to sharpen your knives. If you don’t know how you could end up damaging the edge or accidentally injuring yourself. To help keep this from happening our Honing Rods have a protective disk guard between where your hand goes and the high carbon steel rod.